Stampin’ Up Convention 2013: Swaps!

  Hello there again! I’m back with some more convention highlights. Today I thought I’d show you one of the swaps I made for convention. This one was a card I made for one of my recent card classes (I have card class on the last Tuesday of every month...

Stampin’ Up Convention 2013: I made the boards!

One of the highlights of every Stampin’ Up event is the many display boards that are up for photo-taking. What was even more exciting for me this year was that I had submitted 10 projects for the Artisan Award (sadly, I didn’t make it to the finalists),...

Stampin’ Up Convention 2013: Day 1

Hello There! I so wanted to blog while I was at convention this year — I even brought along my computer so I could. But you know what? We were so stinkin’ busy for those three days I was completely wiped out by the time we got back to the hotel room. I...