Top Five Tuesday: Why I’ve been MIA for so long…

Jul 10, 2013 | Uncategorized

Well hello! Long time no talk. Sorry about that… I thought for my Top Five Tuesday post this week (heck, this month!) I would explain why I’ve been absent for so long here on the old blog-o. So here goes…

1. The dog ate my latest crafty project and I didn’t think you’d care to see it after she was done with it — oh, wait! I don’t have a dog…

2. The extreme heat the past few weeks melted the rubbah on my stamps and I had to reorder all of my products again… Nope. That doesn’t sound right.

3.   I was grounded for coming home after curfew… Not likely.

4. All my ink dried up and I had nothing to stamp with — yeah, um… have you stamped with the new firm foam ink pads — if so, you probably don’t believe that either.

5. I was too busy daydreaming about convention? Will that work? It’s sort of true — although I haven’t been daydreaming… I’ve been planning the trip and prepping my soon-to-be enormous pile of swaps!

In all honesty, I don’t really have any set reason for why I haven’t been visiting the old blog of late. I am leaving for convention, though, next week so number 5 is probably the closest to accurate.

I’m not promising anything, but I do hope to make a more regular appearance around here… I’m even going to try and set up some posts to publish while I’m at convention next week. If you’re not already friends with me on Facebook, you’ll defintely want to do that before next week so that you can stay up to date on all the exciting things I’ll be doing while at the 25th anniversary convention for Stampin’ Up! (The picture above was from Leadership earlier this year when we first kicked off the 25 year celebration!)

We’ll “chat” soon…

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