Winter Wonderland

This was the view from my scrapbook room today, which is where I was from the wee hours of the morning until 10 p.m. (minus a fab-u-lous nap during the late morning — is that not the best – a nap on a cold and snowy day!!).I was in my stamp room finishing...

On Santa’s naughty list…

Ok, so I am a very bad blogger this week. Does anyone find themselves buried in holiday preparations? Every year I say I’m going to stop procrastinating and I DON’T DO IT! What is wrong with me? lol!Anyway, we have 18 people coming to the house for...

Hi There….

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving… I had every intention of popping on to say happy Turkey Day, but well, I got caught up spending time with the fam.The past two days I’ve been buried in Designer Series Paper, cardstock, inks and stamps as I planned my...