Winter Wonderland

Dec 21, 2009 | Uncategorized

This was the view from my scrapbook room today, which is where I was from the wee hours of the morning until 10 p.m. (minus a fab-u-lous nap during the late morning — is that not the best – a nap on a cold and snowy day!!).

I was in my stamp room finishing my Christmas cards and getting them set to mail… I still have quite a bit of work to do — so if you are expecting a card from me — it may be a little later than usual!

I have to get through two more days of work before I can completely focus on preparing for the holiday — still have Christmas cards to finish, baking to do, LOTS of cleaning to do, LOTS of shopping to do and of course tons of wrapping! Whew… I’m tired just thinking about it!


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