Just tidbits….

I’ve been sort of lazy lately… I haven’t even be venturing to my scraproom much! Shocking, huh? I’ve just been enjoying time with family (this photo of me and my Mom is from last weekend. My sister and I took my Mom to Sturbridge Village for...

Outsmarting technology…

Ok, so after spending much of the afternoon yesterday trying to get this picture to cooperate and not load sidways, I gave up.However, this morning I realized the problem has got to be my new fancy, dancy camera so I used my old point and shoot to take this photo and...

A couple of scrapbook pages…

Before Matt and I headed off for the weekend, I managed to get two scrapbook pages done — actually, I finished them during the time he was being indecisive about whether or not we should go anywhere…. Boys! lol!But hey, I actaully got some cute (and old)...

The first sunrise

Yup… at 33 I can now officially say I’ve seen my FIRST sunrise… ever! What can I say, I am just not a morning person!Now I may have seen a sunrise when I was a kid and don’t remember and I think there may have been a sunrise or two during my...

A small thank you

Happy Friday — of a long weekend!!! Even better, huh? Earlier this week I had a thank you night for the demonstrators in my group, The Pitta Padders (I know it’s a little silly, but I couldn’t help myself! ;o).We had some fun prizes up for grabs,...