The first sunrise

Sep 7, 2009 | Uncategorized

Yup… at 33 I can now officially say I’ve seen my FIRST sunrise… ever! What can I say, I am just not a morning person!

Now I may have seen a sunrise when I was a kid and don’t remember and I think there may have been a sunrise or two during my college years, but I certainly wasn’t watching the sun come up… I was either chatting the night away or wrapping up a real fun party! (Boy, those days are long behind me — I could barely get up in time to see the sunrise after a full night of sleep!)

Anyway, Matt and I decided to take a little road trip Friday night. We just hoped in the car and headed off the Cape with no particular destination in mind. We ended up at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire and had a blast! We caught this sunrise from our third floor room at the Kentville Motel and then spent six hours at the beach with a brief interlude at a sidewalk cafe for lunch (along with the obligatory ice cream cone). So. much. fun.

After our second night at Hampton, we decided to get in the car Sunday morning and head off for another adventure… this time to Rockport, MA.

There we met up with Matt’s Dad and his wife, Sarah along with our friend John for a little lunch on the harbor.
Did a little browsing in the shops and bought some penny candy before hitting the road to Ludlow (John’s hometown) for the gigantic Portuguese Festival there.
What an amazing experience and some yummy, yummy fried dough!
Now it is, unfortunately, time to get back to reality. However, you’ll want to check back tomorrow as I did manage to get a couple of scrapbook pages done before we left Friday and I’ll post those tomorrow… and don’t forget I’ve got a few giveaways coming your way soon, too!
Hope you enjoyed the long holiday weekend (for those of you in the US)! Thanks for stopping by…
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