A couple of scrapbook pages…

Sep 9, 2009 | Uncategorized

Before Matt and I headed off for the weekend, I managed to get two scrapbook pages done — actually, I finished them during the time he was being indecisive about whether or not we should go anywhere…. Boys! lol!

But hey, I actaully got some cute (and old) pages done during his delay! The first one I did is of my nephew, Jeffrey. Jeff has a strange fascination with all vacuums – or at least he did when he was four. As soon as he would come to my Mom’s house he’d go to the cabinet where she kept her little swifter vacuum and start pulling it out. The boy just LOVED to vacuum…. as you can see this led to a much loved gift from Auntie Sue and family….

The journaling: Jeffrey’s favorite present for his 4th birthday was a vacuum! Wherever he went, Jeff always would look for the vacuum to help clean up. Anut Sue hit a home run with this mini Hoover … He even took it to bed with him!

Too funny! The second layout I did was of my nephew Willy at his 7th birthday party (last year). Not really too much to explain about this one… just a small selection of the 50 or so pictures I took that day! Know the feeling?

Well, we’re going to have to hold that thought because my computer is no longer cooperating and I’m ready to throw it out the window! For some reason blogger keeps twisting the photo when I upload it so it shows up sideways??!! I will try to post the second page tomorrow… along with a giveaway! Yipee! :o)

Anyway, the two layouts were both done with the Happy Birthday Simply Scrappin’ Kit and I have a third layout in the works… I want to see how many pages I can do with one kit in preparation for an upcoming class at the Harwich Council on Aging next month…. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, happy hump day!

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