Apr 20, 2013 | Uncategorized



Well, hello and happy Saturday. And what a happy Saturday it is! I awoke to great news this morning, I’m at a fun scrapbooking event this weekend and I have a sneak peek virtual catalog party reveal tonight! I am very excited to see the new catalog — but I have to admit I’m the kind of girl that likes to see the catalog for the first time as I physically flip through the pages and smell the fresh printing and can ooh and aah over each page… in person! So I’m a bit torn about that… but I know there will be some prize giveaways so I must attend. 🙂
I’m finally getting back to that post I promised you oh so long ago… I’ll be sharing the two other pages I created with the Merry Moments Simply Scrappin’ kit from the Holiday Mini catalog. While these pages are from a Christmas-themed scrapbooking kit, I really feel that they have a vintage vibe to them as well. They really don’t scream Christmas to me, which is why I think they’d be great for a heritage album as well. Don’t forget, if you are on the Cape and want to get started with scrapbooking be sure to e-mail me to sign up for my new scrapbook club starting next week! We’ll make one two-page 12 X 12 layout and one single 12 X 12 page at each meeting. We’re going to start with a three month run to see how it goes. It should be a lot of fun! The first session is meeting at the Osterville Historical Society Museum on Sunday, April 28.
So here is the second page for today:


This one is pretty simple, but I love that it highlights one photo (You could of course fill in that white space with several different photos in a photo block, too). I love to cram tons of photos on a page, too, but often there is a photo or two that is really spectacular and I want to highlight it. This is the type of page I would use to do that. I love the simple nature of this page that allows the photo to be the focus.
This weekend is my last vendor event until the fall so I’m excited to start digging into my photos and begin the organizing, sorting and scrapping process. I will admit I’m a bit terrified having to work my way through thousands of photos, but I know the end result will totally be worth it!
And while the Merry Moments Simply Scrappin’ kit is no longer available, we have a great selection of other scrapbooking kits that would make pages that are just as fun! Check them out here.

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