Top Five Tuesday: Happy New Year!

Jan 1, 2013 | Uncategorized

Happy 2013! I hope you had a fun celebration to ring in the new year. My excitement for the evening? Nursing a fever… such an exciting life I lead, yes?

I thought the best topic for my Top Five post today would be something New Year related.

I’m not feeling resolutions in the traditional sense this year, so I thought I’d share with you my top five “focus areas” for this fresh new year.

Spending more time with family & friends. If I learned anything in 2012 it was to not take anything for granted. So I want to reach out to my family and friends more often and make them more a part of my every day life. It will be tough, but so very worth it.

Building a more sustainable personal stamping business. I am amazed at how far I’ve come in just a year with my Stampin’ Up business and I want that to continue to grow. I have lots of new offerings and some new ventures I’d like to tackle this year. Life is too short to say, “some day.”

Living a more health-conscious life. I’m intentionally refraining from saying the “d” word (diet)… I don’t want to “diet” in the traditional sense. I just want to be smarter about what I eat and get up and move more!

Be more adventurous and free-spirited. I know this one is rather vague, but I don’t want to have regrets when I get older. Last year, I decided on a whim to travel to Utah and go on a solo excursion to a resort and day spa in Ivins, Utah for five days. It was a very rewarding and helpful trip for me. I’d love to do more “adventure” trips in 2013 — and it doesn’t have to be across the country, even simple little day trips will do. I just want to get out and live life.

Learn something new. This is rather generic as well — in fact, I probably learn something new every day. But I want to make the effort to take on some “new” task in 2013 — perhaps learning to speak French fluently, learning to dance, taking a college course online. I’m not sure exactly what the “new” will be, but I’m feeling an urge to learn.

Well, that’s my take on 2013. How about you? Do you make resolutions? Are there things you’d like to work on in 2013? Please feel free to share in the comments. I’d love to know more about your goals for the brand spanking new year!

Be sure to come back and visit my blog again a bit later … I’ll be back with my first Sale-A-Bration Countdown post. Until then… Happy New Year!

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