The Bucket List of Summer Photos For Scrapbookers

Jul 2, 2019 | 5 must-take Scrapbook photos, scrapbooking, Summer photos, Summer Scrapbooking

When the weather starts to get warmer and the days get longer, I don’t really spend as much time in my craft room creating. Can you relate? But summer is my very favorite season and I love to document in — particularly when I’m up to my eyeballs in snow say, mid-February! But in order to do that, I need to make sure I’ve planned ahead and have summer photos at the ready.

I am not a chronological scrapbooker, so I like to think about the quintessential photos that tell the story of summer without being a 100th page on a family cookout or another summer birthday layout — not that there is anything wrong with those things — I just like to find the “bigger picture” in the smaller moments.

So here are my suggestions for the top five “must have” summer photos for scrappin’ next winter (how dare I write that word right now!):

1. I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream. One of my favorite activities in the summer (and all year, really) is getting ice cream at one of the many ice cream shops on Cape Cod. Be sure to grab a photo of your favorite ice cream treat or sticky little ice cream-soaked fingers with a backdrop of your favorite go to ice cream location.

2. Water Play. Whether you’re an ocean, pond, lake or sprinkler family — be sure to catch some good waves & rays. Try and think of a unique story to capture… perhaps shell hunting with photos of the search and the resulting treasures. Or maybe each summer you walk the length of your favorite beach counting the boats — document the steps in the sand, the start & finish and, of course, a few of the boats, too.

3. Summer Play List. There’s something about the warmth and sunshine that makes me want to blare my radio more than any other time of year. What’s your summer playlist and how can you document it? Or maybe you have a tune of the summer each year — tell us what it is and why? Maybe take a photo of the fancy car screen with the name and artist (if you have that… I don’t so I’ll have to find another way to document).

4. Bottom’s Up. And no, I don’t mean actually bottoms! I’m talking cocktails, my friend! Whether it’s a fruity rum punch or a non-alcoholic Arnold Palmer, take some photos and document your favorite hot weather thirst quencher. Here’s one I could use last summer — my friend Amie & I took a liking to Strawberry Daiquiri’s last July when cruising the coast of Alaska!

5. Summer Shenanigans. There’s something about summer that makes us silly! Document those goofy moments — you know, when you’re nephew puts the beach bucket on his head or the dog is sprawled out on the floor with his tongue hanging out trying to cool off. What photo can you take that shows that some like it “hot” — or maybe that some don’t! 
When you’re documenting summer, don’t just think Fourth of July and cookouts — what’s the “deeper” stories — summer traffic, your favorite go-to summer shoe or your favorite fried food locale.
I hope you’ll make your own summer photo bucket list and share it with me — or better yet. Share the photos you plan to scrapbook at a crop with me this fall!
Here’s to a photographic summer!

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