
Jun 21, 2009 | Uncategorized

Father’s Day is always a tough day for me… having lost my Dad five years ago… I miss him everyday like it were just yesterday the last time I saw him, but I know he is in a good place now and out of pain… but it still doesn’t make my pain any less.

However, I have a feeling Daddy was keeping an eye on his littliest buddy (my youngest nephew Jeffrey who was just 3 months when my Dad died) last night.

Jeffrey (pictured above) fell into a fire pit (that wasn’t lit thankfully, but that had just burned down) last night at a family cookout. When he put his hands down to get up, he put one hand on the metal ring and he burnt his right hand pretty badly. ER doctors were even talking about the possibility that he’d have to go to Shriner’s Hospital in Boston, but fortunately, it looks like all will be well with a few weeks of close monitoring and treatment at home.
I’m so thankful the little guy is O.K. Thinking over all the worse things that could have happened instead are mind numbing. Instead, I am relaxing at home on a day that is usually a pretty sad day for me (Father’s Day) being pretty dang happy that all my family members are safe and sound… including Daddy. Love you all!
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