Technology…. a love/hate relationship

Jul 27, 2012 | Convention 2012, Indepdent Stampin' Up demonstrator, Jen Pitta

Howdy, friends! So I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I’m having a little tiff with my camera right now. The battery died and I cannot for the life of me find the battery charger!! This means I can’t get all my photos filled with awesomness from convention off of it!! Grrr…

I promise as soon as I am able to find a replacement… I will be running to the old blog-o to post some updates! I have so many things to share… pictures of my swaps, pictures of others swaps, display boards, main stage, project ideas, friends…. the list goes on and on!

I’ll be back soon… in the meantime, Happy Friday (soon)!

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