Stitch Fix Review: Flashback

Feb 16, 2014 | Stitch Fix, Stitch Fix Review

Hello there! And Happy Snow Day. Again. Boy this winter has been brutal for the Northeast. Today’s snow storm actually gave me the night off (even though it is Saturday). The Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra was scheduled to have a concert tonight, but now we’ll have a double header tomorrow!

So I’m taking this evening to catch up on some long overdue projects. This blog has been so horribly neglected these days — I actually have a backlog of posts to do, but I have to admit that blogger is really annoying me. It’s been super problematic lately to post. It kind of makes me not want to visit my little spot… which is very sad. I might have to consider switching my blog platforms so blogging isn’t such a chore! Any good suggestions for a good blog platform?

Anyway, I’m actually behind in my Stitch Fix Reviews as well. The one I most recently posted was actually number 5 — and I never showed number 3 or 4! I’m going to share number 3 with you today. Unfortunately, I never took pictures of number 4. I did keep one item from that one, but  I don’t have a picture of me in it yet — I’ll have to take one.

A quick recap of Stitch Fix… it’s this really fun clothing subscription service. You pay a $20 styling fee and your own personal stylist selects five items for you based on your style profile that you fill out when you first sign up. If you decide to keep any of the items they send, your $20 fee goes towards your purchase. If you buy all five items you save 25% on the entire box of goodies! 🙂

I can’t tell you how much fun it is to come home to that fun little box sitting on your doorstep:

So my month #3 had some fun options in it… let me share:

First up was this Honey Punch Cross-Back Sweater. This was fun. It laid a little funny in the back and was super sheer. Of course you would wear a tank under it, but I felt like some of my “love handles” were showing! Not a flattering look. So this was a return.

This was the back:

Sorry, I didn’t take pictures of me in this round… I ran out of time. You have 3 days to try everything on and then pop it back in the pre-paid return envelope. For me it’s not as much fun to see a review without seeing it on the person, so I will try to be better about trying everything on from now on… this time you’ll have to take my word for it!

Up next was this Hazel Mathew Lace Print Knit Dress. This looked promising when I pulled it out of the box, but it was a little tight and not as flattering as I had hoped once I got it on. It was also a little on the short side. Sorry… I don’t have all the documentation from this Stitch Fix box so I don’t have prices. But this one went back, too.

Then there was this 41 Hawthorn Ivy Tulip Tab-Sleeve blouse. I had seen this on other Stitch Fix blog reviews and it looked so stinkin’ cute on some of the other bloggers, but for me not so much. I felt like it made me look grandmotherly… I’m not sure if the print was too big for me or what, but just wasn’t good for me.

So this one was sent back as well. You may notice that there is a little “postcard” attached to each of the items. That is a styling card… it’s super helpful for those like me that don’t have much fashion sense (I’m just now learning the concept of two items “going together” rather than matchy matchy. I have to admit my card/scrapbooking skills have been coming in handy with this new skill!)

Next up I had this blouse. I don’t have the name of it anymore (or price). This one was a bit too boxy for me and I had just switched up my hair color when I got this box and it was bright red… so I kind of clashed with the shirt! 😉

Last up was this necklace. I was actually really excited to see this when I opened my box. It looked so fun and different from what I already have. Unfortunately it was a bit short and looked a little like a chain-link fence around my neck… it went back, too.

So if you’ve been keeping track, this was the first Stitch Fix box where I returned everything. Bummer. But it was still fun and to have a fun shopping session in my home to try on some new items that pushed my comfort zone a bit… the $20 is not a big deal for me. 
You can read more about my other Stitch Fix boxes here and here. Do you want to try it for yourself? I’d love if you use this link so I can get a little credit for my next shipment! The great thing is that there is no committment. You can try it once and never again or you can sign up for a monthly shipment as I have now.
Anyway, I’ll be back to posting some crafty stuff soon… tonight was just not a good night to try and take pictures! I hope you stay safe and warm if you are in the path of the latest snow storm… I think I might go get “inky” now!
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