I am anxiously awaiting my next “fix” today. So I thought I’d share with you my last Stitch Fix delivery so I’ll be all caught up when my new box of goodies arrives!

For those of you who are not familiar with Stitch Fix — let me explain. Stitch Fix is a clothing subscription company. You can schedule “fixes” as often as you want (once a week, once a month, once a year — whatever you like). You pay a $20 stylist fee and then one of the Stitch Fix stylists selects five items specifically for you (based on your style profile you fill out when you join) and has them delivered straight to your door. It’s general four pieces of clothing and an accessory, but you can opt out of the accessories if you’d like.

I’ve had two “fixes” so far and I love the excitement that comes from these little surprise deliveries! You can read about my first fix here. If you decide to keep anything from your “fix” you get to put your $20 stylist fee towards that purchase. Or if you purchase all five items from your box you get a 25% discount on everything. If you don’t keep anything, the $20 stylist fee is lost. The items are a bit pricier than what I would probably pay in most stores, but they are very high quality and things I would never pick up for myself generally. So it’s pushing me out of my comfort zone a bit.

What I really love is that you don’t pay for any shipping! The “fix” arrives – you try everything on in your home with your other pieces and then decide what to keep. Everything else you pop in the pre-paid envelope and send back to Stitch Fix. Easy Peasy!

So on to the photos…. let me again apologize for the crappy photo quality and the toilet in the background! My bathroom is the only place in the house where I have a full length mirror – hence the bathroom backdrop.

My first item was this adorable top. (And I forgot to write down the official names of each of these items again! I promise I will with my 3rd fix!). Probably not a print I would have selected for myself – but I really liked it. Unfortunatly it was a bit tight in the shoulders and the hips. Verdict: sent back.

Next up was this super soft cardigan sweater. I wasn’t too sure of the colors on this one, but oh my gosh it was such a comfy fabric!! I tried it on and it fit pretty well, but I felt it wasn’t doing me any favors in the hip and buttocks areas (where I already have some concerns). The pockets seemed to give me a bit more width than I’d like. Verdict: sent back. Although I must say this is the one this month where I question that decision a bit… what do you think?

My third piece was this black and white tank top. I’m not a big fan of gold so the gold buttons turned me off to begin with (I did update that in my style profile) and then other than that it really just didn’t excite me. Not to mention I’m kind of moving on from the tank top… it’s time to think about fall a bit more. Verdict: Sent back.

My final clothing piece was this gray and ivory top. It was a very different style — it had a cute pleating on the back (which I couldn’t get a good picture of), but I felt it was a little box-y. Verdict: Sent back.

Sorry this photo is really bad — I’m missing half the shirt… but you get the idea. My last item were these cute silver earrings:

I really like these earrings but wouldn’t normally pay $28 for them — especially since I don’t remember to wear earrings very often (in fact, I think I’m going to have to re-pierce my ears in order to wear these!), but because I was going to lose my $20 styling fee if I didn’t buy anything, I decided to spend the extra $8 and keep these since I really do like them. And since I now have shorter hair, they will look super cute peeking out from under my ‘do. Verdict: Kept.

So there you have it, my second Stitch Fix. What do you think? Are you ready to try a “fix?” If so, I’d love for you to use my referral link (disclaimer: I do get a $25 “Fix” credit if you use that link). And please link me up to any reviews you do — I’m sort of obsessed with looking at people’s Stitch Fix reviews.

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