I probably should have posted this before my Manager’s Reception review, but, well, I’m kind of a backwards sort of girl… so be it.

One of the things I love most about Leadership over Convention is that it’s a smaller more intimate crowd. There’s only about 1,000 people instead of upwards of 3,000 and 4,000 (Last year for the 25th anniversary there were almost 6,000)!

Because it’s a much smaller crowd, Stampin’ Up actually provides us a plated lunch on two of the three days we are there. Now I forgot to take pictures of my actual meal on the second day (I got one of the salad and dessert, but not our chicken dish)… here was the line-up for Friday, January 10: 

First up was the yummy salad to the right… I skipped the oranges or mangos or whatever it was… but I loved having the pecans on my salad… I do that at home, too!
For our entree we had a roasted vegetable lasagna… I didn’t eat breakfast that morning so I was super hungry and ate the whole dang thing (but not before I got a picture!).
Last up was the cute little apple tartlet thing… I love fruit, but not as part of my dessert (weird, I know), so I ate the whipped cream and the pastry shell… I’m just so healthy.
Another perk of Leadership (and any Stampin’ Up event, really) is the bag… and oh how I love the bag we got this time around. It’s very different from what we’ve received in the past… I may even use this one as a pocketbook at some point… it’s so cute and the lining inside is printed with an adorable arrow pattern in Island Indigo. 🙂

Well, that’s it for my update today, but be sure to check back next week… I’m going to be starting a countdown to Sale-A-Bration beginning on Tuesday, January 21. What’s that? You don’t know what Sale-A-Bration is? Well, stay tuned my friends…. you won’t want to miss it!

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