A special day…

Oct 8, 2009 | Uncategorized

It’s so hard to believe it’s already been 3 years since this wonderful day!

Despite Matt’s confusion, Oct. 7 is our wedding anniversary! He tried to tell me this weekend that our wedding date was Oct. 6… umm… since I made 135 invitations (with the helping of some fabulous friends — see the photo of them below) I think I should know!! ;o)

We had a fabulous lunch at DiParma in Yarmouth to celebrate because silly hubby had to work tonight…

He was very sweet though leaving me cards and little gifts throughout the day (even though he said no presents! I’m still mad at you about that!)

I look at these pictures and can’t believe we’ve already flown through three years! And even though I joke a lot about how goofy my husband can be sometimes, I love him to pieces for simple reasons like this boyish little grin he has:

(It usually comes out when he is up to something… but I love it nonetheless)!
I love that he is always so excited to see me every day — no matter how bad the day has been. I love that he is so thoughtful buying me the bagels I like and making sure there is always enough of my cran-apple juice in the fridge. I love that he is an amazing cook (although my jeans don’t necessarily agree)!
I love that even though he talks to thousands of people each day (on the radio), it’s me that gets to here that sexy voice of his on the phone every day (often multiple times a day!) ;o)
I love when we have our planned or impromtu trips usually to Vegas or some quaint New England town… having time to be just “us” is always wonderful.
I love that even though we’ve had three amazing years together, we still have many, many years to share so many more days together.
Here’s a few more pictures from our fabulous day: Oct. 7, 2006

Now if I could just scrap some of these! lol! Have a great day….

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