So this is the sneak peek that I intended to share with you on Friday, but I didn’t have it in me to finish up the chipboard letters, take pictures and post.
Thankfully, however, my neck is back to normal (for the most part anyway) and I can resume life (already in progress).
This sneak peek includes the new Elements of Style stamp set, which I received free at the 2010 Leadership Conference in January. Love this set. It’s great for those of you who like the vintage style.
I also used the smooch spritz again on this and I have to say that I am TOTALLY addicted to this stuff. I think I’ve already gone through a half a bottle of the vanilla shimmer and the gold glow. Must. order. more.
So here is the whole project. I’ve been wanting to do this for quite a while.
It is an idea journal so that when I am stumped for where to start a project or scrapbook page, I can pull out this handy, dandy book and get some quick inspiration. Inside, I have four categories. There is a section for color combos (clipping from magazines and such), layout ideas (sketches, clipping from magazines), another section for “topics,” which is where I will store ideas for pages or challenges I’d like to try (such as create a page about my current likes and dislikes or document the history of why I’m a little “frog,” etc.). The last section is for quotes. As an English major and a writer at heart, I love quotes. So this will be one little spot where I can keep all my favorites.
Here is a peek inside the journal:
This is from the colors section. I love Pottery Barn catalogs for this. The pictures are great inspiration for card color combos or even layout colors.
This is in the layouts section. I pulled these pictures from old Stampin’ Up catalogs. That is what is so great about having each and every Idea Book and Catalog on hand. They provide the best inpsiration for projects — even if the stamp sets are no longer current. Just replace the image with one that fits your topic or holiday and voila — no need to create from scratch.
So now that I’ve shared my little journal, it’s your turn to think about what you can create using some of these new Summer Mini Catalog Items. Click on the catalog cover to view it now:
Thanks for stopping by today. Feel free to e-mail me or call if you have any questions regarding the new mini or if you’d like me to send you a copy of it.

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