Random Thoughts on a Rainy Thursday evening…

Apr 28, 2011 | Artisian Award, every day life, Indepdent Stampin' Up demonstrator, Jen Pitta, random thoughts

Lately I’ve found myself thinking numerous times, “Oh that would be a good blog topic.” Yet when I sit down to write about these things… it turns into a sentence or two. Not really the blog feature I was thinking of.

Tonight I was browsing some blogs and found myself very inspired on a number of different levels.

Kelly Rae really made me want to do some soul searching this week. I may have to break down and buy her e-book.

Becky makes me want to do some spring cleaning — I’m not really sure why this post made me think of that — Perhaps it was the whole comment about having an empty room for two years. It made me wish I could start over with an empty room or two — what can I tell you? My brain works in mysterious ways.

This post really made me want to work on my Etsy shop again. I really love focusing on presentation. It does indeed make a difference. It reminded me I need to focus a bit more on that again in my business.

You may see a variation of this card on my blog in the near future as it really speaks to me. I love the layout, the colors, everything.

This post just made me laugh out loud… so dang cute! I have to say I think the second photo is perfect!

I’m ridiculously addicted to this game, but I tell you — I AM NOT going to play tonight! It’s the fastest way for me to lose an hour or two!

Ok.. I guess that’s enough randomness for one night. I will say the card I made for tonights post was originally going to be an entry for the Artisian Award. But Miss Procrastinating Patty (that’s me, even though my name is not Patty) didn’t get her act together fast enough … I decided to enter the contest two weeks before it was due… yeah… just not enough time for nine quality projects! There’s always next year…

Well… I’m off to accomplish something. I hope.

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