Productivity and a peek…

Oct 13, 2010 | Holiday Card class, Jen Pitta, Stampin' Up

So do you ever have a day off where you just are NOT productive. You try, but…. Nothing!
That was me today. It started with a startling awakening this morning when the heat kicked on for the first time… what? Already?? It only came on and then off right away. I think that was probably at about 7 a.m. So I rolled over and went back to sleep — it is my day off afterall.
Well, I didn’t get up until 9:10 — lazy, lazy girl (hey, my bed was comfy!). But then I just couldn’t get myself moving… I did my usual routine… e-mails, blogs, breakfast… then nothing.
Monday when I was off I was SOOO productive so I guess it’s not all that bad except for the fact that I have three events next week and 8 events in November! Got to get my butt in gear!!
Anyway, this little cutie snowman is a sneak peek at one of the cards from my holiday card class next week. Can you believe I have all 5 cards designed a whole week before I need them?? Shocking huh? Anyway, I think the cards came out really cute and that those attending will like ’em. There are still a couple of spots left if you’d like to join us — Tuesday, Oct. 19, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Chatham Community Center. E-mail me now to RSVP, but be quick as I only have two spots left.
Since I only teased you with the snowman card, here is another card I made that didn’t make the cut. I like the card but it would have taken too many pearls (I didn’t have enough on hand) to do in next week’s class….
What do you think? Don’t forget there is still a crafty care package up for grabs! Leave me some comments to enter to win… please? I’m feeling a little lonely! 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
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