Hello there my blog friends! So I had been waiting to post to the blog because I wanted to share a card for a change, but I just haven’t had a minute to download some photos I took this week.

Of course, I can’t post without sharing a little eye candy so I figured I would show you ANOTHER progressive scrapbook page.

I did very well in March with getting some scrapbooking done since I had five workshops. This is is actually a page I did for an April workshop. This photo was taken at Leadership 2010 of me and a new stamping friend I made while I was there. Her name is Susan and she was fabulous! She even ditched her friends at lunch one day so that I wouldn’t have to sit by myself (not that I would have really sat by myself as everyone is so awesome and inviting — I would have just sat with a different new friend!).

The journaling reads, “The love of stamps makes strangers into instant friends.” And at convention or Leadership it is so true! You have never seen a crazier bunch of women. lol!

I used the Dreams du Jour stamp set on this page. Here is the next size up (8.5 X 11):

For this I added some more photos, a title on the top note die (made with the Big Shot) and the quote from the Dreams du Jour stamp set, which normally says “The way to know life is to love many things,” but I changed it to many stamps! hee hee. And boy do I love my many stamps!

For the 12 X 12 version of this page I used the “Write me a Memory” software that we used to carry in the the Idea Book and Catalog to make my title. I love having exclusive Stampin’ Up fonts on my computer that I can use on any projects or documents for that matter. I hope they come out with a new one of these in the future — or maybe offer them in our digital download store.

Well I think that should be it for progressive scrapbook pages for a little bit. Check back soon though as I hope to have some cards that I’ve made recently. And don’t forget that starting on Monday, April 26 I will start featuring items from the new Summer Mini Catalog that goes live on May 1.
Each day next week I hope to showcase a new item included in the fabulous 31-page mini catalog! If you have purchased something from me recently look for your copy in the mail any day now. If you would like to have a copy feel free to e-mail me to request your own copy. I’d be happy to mail one out to you.
I’m off for a very long day today at work, but fortunately I’ll be spending Friday with a very good friend for a “girls day.” I can’t wait…. Let’s just hope today flies by!
Thanks for stopping in!
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