Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2011 | Harwich Port, Jen Pitta, Merry Christmas

Hi There!

Well it’s 12:33 am on Christmas morning and I think I can finally say my Christmas to-do list is done (well except the wrapping of one present!). I just finished my final Christmas card…. this one is for my nephew who is saving for a car…. therefore his present was very easy to shop for… I simply whipped out my checkbook! 🙂

I don’t have a picture of it right now. The camera is downstairs and frankly I’m just too tired to put that much effort into this right now! Sorry…. I will post it soon though…. promise!

I just wanted to pop on here quickly to wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah or best wishes for whatever holiday it is that you celebrate this time of year! I’ve had a busy day of baking cookies (that’s a first for me on Christmas!), wrapping presents and cleaning house…. getting ready for a full house tomorrow!

Now I’m off to wrap one last gift, put a few other presents under the tree and hopefully get a good nights sleep before tomorrow’s festivities (remember how hard it used to be to sleep on Christmas Eve?? Thankfully… it’s not so hard for me anymore! 🙂

Have a wonderful holiday!

(P.S. Is that Santa and his reinder I see out my window??)

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