Isn’t funny how time can seem to fly by, but at the same time it feels as if it is dragging?

I know, I know. I don’t make sense. But you see I can’t believe it is March already. It seems like we just started 2010. I still haven’t written down my “new year resolutions” or picked my word of the year, which has become popular recently (see Ali Edwards Word of the year entry here).

At the same time, though it feels like this winter is NEVER ENDING! I am so anxious for sunshine and flowers. Spring jackets and birds chirping. Big puffy clouds and long walks along the beach without my fingers falling off!

Anyway, that’s my two cents. Not that you asked for it! ;o)

This mini book I made last month to use as a stamp club project, but it got cut from the lineup. Why you ask? Well I painted the binding and as I filled up all of the pages it began to crack and look yucky. Also once I got the book completed the pages didn’t line up right and the book doesn’t even remotely close. All these little things are minor, but added up enough to bug me. So it was pulled and we made some of the cute projects featured here.

But just in case you were wondering, here are some of the interior pages of the mini book:

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