Lots to share….

May 29, 2009 | Uncategorized

Hmmm… so many things I want to say… not sure where to start! Let’s start with the great promotion Stampin’ Up is running in June! Hostesses get the opportunity to earn EXTRA FREE stuff! With an in-home or catalog workshop, hostesses with workshop sales between $250 and $399 get an extra $20 in hostess benefits for a total of $45 in free merchandise– Yipee! With a workshop $400 or over you get an extra $40 in hostess benefits for a total of $85 or more ($85 is for a $400 workshop)… how cool is that? This is in addition to the free exclusive stamp sets you earn as a hostess… Don’t delay in setting your workshop date with me… I anticipate my calendar will fill up fast!

On to other news… I’ve been in a little bit of a funk lately… disappointed with my current job (not Stampin’ Up — just wish hubby would let me do that full-time!), not sure what I want to be when I grow up (shouldn’t I know that by now?). I’ve been thinking about doing all sorts of things lately… I think that may be my problem… I like too many things!

On the “potentials” list: real estate agent (I know bad economy – but its got to get better soon!), teacher, web designer, or even go spend the summer waitressing (sometimes its good to have a job that really, honestly provides no stress… and lots of money!).

Anyway, a while back I created a dream journal (you know the kind where you document what you want from life, not what you dreamt about last night — although those are fun too!) and I think I’m now ready to write in it (maybe!)… well, as soon as I figure out what it is I want to do with myself! Ha! (Viscious cycle, huh?)

I used all Stampin’ Up supplies as it was for a contest that my upline was running and here is what it looked like… I was really happy with it. In fact, I’m not sure I’ll be able to “mess it up” by writing in it… but I need to get over that! I’ve honestly learned that when you write goals down… they really, truly do happen more often! It’s happened to me several times in the past with my Stampin’ Up business… I’d write something down at the urging of my wonderful upline, Karen, and then with in the next month or two, BAM… it would happen! Love that!

So go ahead and try it… write some goals down today and put them somewhere where you see them often and see what happens… what could you lose?

Fun, huh? So feel free to help me figure out what I want to be in life… did you want to do something when you were young and ended up doing something totally different? Or perhaps you are like me and mid-life discovered you weren’t where you wanted to be? Feel free to leave a comment… I love that!

Lastly, just a quick update on my status over at Memorable Seasons…. today is the last day for voting in week 3… (until 3 p.m. CST)… feel free to pop on over and vote for me! My layout for this week is below… we had to use at least two completely different types of fonts on our layouts…

If you haven’t checked out Memorable Seasons it’s a great group of gals that are really nice…. and you can participate in the Last Scrapper Standing contest, too… just enter layouts and each week in addition to the main prize for those who are still competing… there is a weekly drawing from all participants…. fun!

Have a great weekend!
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