A little too hot for S’mores!

Aug 19, 2009 | Uncategorized

Hi everyone! Hope you are holding up in this heat a bit better than one of my latest projects for club! It’s been super hot and muggy on Cape Cod (for those of you not in the neighborhood) and you can tell by the completely lumpy Hershey bar in this project!

Cute project, though huh? I actually stole it from my friend (and upline) Karen Landry. It uses the adorable Under the Stars stamp set. I love the little S’more stamp!
What is really funny is when Matt saw the project he wanted a S’more. Sooooooo…. we proceeded to grab a fork, stab it into a marshmallow and hold it diligently over the …. stove! Yup, we made S’mores over our electric stove… hey, you know what… they tasted just as good!!! lol…
Thanks for stopping by….
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