Hello there! I am having a rather lazy Sunday. Didn’t get up until 9:30! and now I’m just flitting around cleaning up here, stamping this, reading that, watching the tube, etc.

I love days when I don’t have anything I “HAVE” to do. I wish it were a little nicer out so I could go for a walk or something, but alas, it’s not!

Maybe if I get really ambitious (although it’s not looking good for my ambition) I’ll do my yoga tape later. It’s only 20 minutes, but boy I sure do feel it the next day!

I made this scrapbook page last weekend when I was at the Crazy For Croppin event here in Hyannis. I wanted to put together a very simple, coordinated 8.5 X 11 album about my Sturbridge trip earlier this year with my Mom, Sister, SIL and niece.

I managed to do a couple of pages last week, but this is the only one that is actually finished. The others don’t have titles or journaling… I kind of lost steam last weekend. Maybe I’ll finish those up today.

This album is going to be for me to keep, but I also want to work on using my new My Digital Studio software to create a hardcover book of our trips including LOTS of photos for my Mom for a Christmas present. I just need a little dedicated time to work on that… maybe later today.

Boy I’ve already got a long list of “maybe later todays” after writing this blog post! So much for a lazy day, huh? I think the first order of business is to get some grub in my tummy…

Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!

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