It’s here! It’s here! The 2012-2013 Idea Book and catalog is live and reading for your shopping pleasure! Click on the link on the side of my blog to view the catalog now or you can visit my website to download a pdf version to save to your computer.
Are you more of a hands-on type of person? E-mail me and I will send you a copy of the new catalog — I just ask that you pay the $5.00 for shipping. If you’re local, e-mail me and we can arrange for you to pick one up!
I’m telling you, you’re going to love this year’s catalog — not only are the new stamps and accessories exciting, but the catalog is laid out differently and I think it is beautifully done.
I hope to have some samples with the new products soon… today I’m busy getting ready for my Buy One Get One event tomorrow (Sunday, June 3)…. all my retired stuff must go or I won’t have any space left in my room! So, for every dollar you spend in my cash & carry store (retired products), you’ll get an equal amount to spend in this brand new beautiful catalog! Sounds like a good deal right?? The Buy One Get One event is at my house — e-mail me if you’d like directions.
I hope you are enjoying this rainy Saturday — it’s the perfect day to be inside pricing things!!