It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Sep 23, 2009 | Uncategorized

I know, I know, it’s only September! But as a card maker we have to start thinking of these things early!

These cards are actually for a swap that I’m participating with some other demonstrators from across the country.

Can you see in the upper right hand corner how the snowflakes have a kind of shimmer to them? Isn’t that cool? They change as you move them in the light.

I used our new Frost White Shimmer Paint mixed with a bit of Bashful Blue re-inker to create the ink used for the snowflakes. I sponged them onto the stamps using a sponge dauber. The picture really doesn’t do it justice – you really have to see it in real life — Very cool.

For those of you in my stamp club, you may soon have the opportunity to play with this technique as I think I will use it in a future club project… I just have to order some more supplies.

Well, I’m off to — hopefully — have a productive day off… things have been a little nutty for me lately so I needed to take a “mental health” day (don’t worry it was approved! ;o)

Thanks for stopping by….

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