I love a clean scraproom!

Apr 27, 2009 | Uncategorized

Ok, I know this weekend was WAY too gorgeous to be inside cleaning my scraproom, but having my Big Shot hidden away in my closest just wasn’t working for me. So while just trying to tidy up a bit, I ended up doing a full-fledged cleaning… well of at least a corner of my scraproom…. I’ll save the rest for another, less spectacular day! So this is the new set up for the big shot….

The dies are on the shelf with the machine on the top of the bookshelf, which is located directly behind my scrap table…. so cool! So now I’m hoping I’ll reach for it a little more often now that I don’t have to dig the machine out of its bag and then dig the die I want out of the bottom of the closet.
I’m planning on playing with the new texturz plates I have so check back soon for some new samples.
Tommorrow I’ll be back to share a couple of projects that my Stampin’ Up club members go to create this month….
Thanks for stoppin’ by!

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