Well hello there long lost blog friends! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
I think things are finally starting to calm down a bit for me these days. Not that that is necessarily good news… but I do have to say it’s nice to be able to take a breather!
Of course, this is only for a short time before I kick into high gear for the start of ’11! In fact, as we speak I have a box of brand new Stampin’ Up product on my stamp room couch. It’s begging me to open it and play, but I told myself I could not open the box of new goodies from the upcoming Occasions Mini Catalog until I cleaned up my room! (I think I’m channeling my mother 🙂
The card above is a Christmas card I designed for a workshop this season and I have declared it my favorite card of the year. It was supposed to be a nice simple, no coloring card, but really turned into a card that wasn’t quite as simple as I had intended. I absolutely love it though. The colors are not your normal Christmas combination, but it just works (at least for me!)
I have to say that I’m very excited to be able to put the Christmas stamps away soon (just have to finish making close to 200 Christmas Cards …. Yikes!) and start working with cardstock that is a color other than red or green!
It’s a little sad, though, as I have been working on holiday cards since August, I’m sort of “over” the holiday and not really in the mood to actually celebrate it now that it is here! Hopefully when we venture out for the tree (hopefully not the day before Christmas like last year) I’ll feel a little bit more of the holiday spirit.
Well, it is already 1 a.m. and I’m still fiddling around (actually I was working on a Christmas gift for my brother… so it’s O.K!) so it’s off to bed I think… perhaps a little reading before I actually close my eyes. I started reading the Harry Potter series again so I’d be ready for Part 1 of the final movie… but since I’m only one third of the way through the first book, I’m thinking I may want to see the movie and then continue on with my reading! I guess I can re-read them all so that I’m ready and waiting for the final installment of the series when it comes out next year….
Happy Weekend!
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