Happy Sunday morning with an extra hour of sleep to you! I am very thankful it was daylight savings time last night as I stayed up until 2 a.m.! So that extra hour came in very handy this morning. 🙂
I’m excited that I have a workshop with one of my dearest friends today. It should be lots of fun. We are doing Christmas projects of course, but I thought I’d share this little cutie I made at the crop a few weekends ago.
It uses the Pun Fun stamp set — it’s an oldie, but really is a good one. This cute little lamb image says “Thank Ewe” — cute, huh?
I of course had to add some glitter to his wool and layered on some fun Rich Razzleberry cardstock — I’m not usually a big purple fan, but this card really struck my fancy. I sent it to one of the lucky online shoppers last month. That’s just one of the little perks of ordering from my online Web site… I send you a little thank you card and guess what? I don’t even write in it — I usually write on a Post It note so you can take it off and use the card yourself! I’m so thoughtful, right? 😉
Well I must go get dressed and pack up the car for the road trip… Have a fabulous Sunday!
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