Have A Blast

Nov 17, 2009 | Uncategorized

I’m trying to get back into a regular posting schedule as I’ve been somewhat MIA recently…
Sorry ’bout that! I’m trying to be better, promise!
This card is one I made for a challenge to using doodling on a card. Doodling is not generally my thing… don’t get me wrong, I love to journal on my notebooks and on the little paper by the phone, but for some reason doodling on a card or a scrapbook page scares me… a lot!
Perhaps it’s the perfectionist in me… but I just don’t ever think to do it.
Anyway, I’m happy with the way this one came out. It is actually one of those projects where the idea actually popped into my head overnight and I had to get up early one Saturday morning to carry it out!
I wrote out the numbers, the stars and the squiggles all by myself :o) and used my signo white gel pen to add most of the accents. All supplies are Stampin’ Up!
I think this would be a great card for little boys… and you could even highlight the number that represents his age… wish I had thought of that before I colored in the one… Matt’s godsons’ birthday party is this weekend, but he is going to be 8.
Well, that’s all for now…. hope your week is off to a great start!
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