Oh my goodness. How does this blog get so neglected? I have big plans and then life just always seems to get in the way.

I did want to hop on this (US) Thanksgiving Eve, though and say a big ole Thank You to all my friends, family and customers. It’s been a tough year (still), but I am very grateful for all the blessings in my life. I had a delicious turkey dinner tonight and a plan to spend all day with my family tomorrow.

My nephew is a Senior in high school and will be playing his final football game tomorrow. I’m super excited to see him play — hopefully he gets put into the game a lot tomorrow! Then — believe it or not — we actually go out to dinner for Thanksgiving! No dishes or clean up for us! Are you jealous? 🙂

Well, anyway just sharing a card from one of my Holiday Card classes this year. Can you believe we started in August and just finished up our fourth and final class this past Tuesday — that’s 40 cards for everyone that attended all four classes!

I’m hosting a class again in December… usually we meet on the last Tuesday of the month, but since that is New Year’s Eve and people probably have better things to do with their evening that night… I moved class to Tuesday, December 17. Be sure to RSVP if you are planning attend because I’ll have a giftie for everyone who RSVPs and attends! We’ll be making some Christmas Thank You cards and perhaps some Valentine’s Cards… fun, fun!

Ok… I digressed again. Back to the card. This card uses the Banner Greetings stamp set from this year’s holiday catalog. I also used the Pretty Print Textured Impressions Embossing Folder. Love that one! It’s also from the Holiday Catalog.

Fun little tidbit for today — I selected all my “peeps” to get the upcoming Occasions catalog tonight! That means they’ll be headed to your mailbox real soon!! Lots of fun new toys to play with in that catalog…

Well, I’m off to bed… got to get up sort of early to get my high school football game spirit up and running!! Wish us luck…

In the meantime, have a wonderful, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving!

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