Happy Halloween

Oct 31, 2010 | Baby, Halloween, Jen Pitta, Punch Potpourri, Stampin' Up

I know. This isn’t a Halloween image… but the only Halloween project I have that I haven’t shown you is a scrpabook page, but every time I load it into blogger it turns sideways. I’d normally just take another picture when that happens, but I no longer have the page!
So here we are on Halloween with a baby card… go figure. I actually made this card for my best friends’ little sister who just had her second baby girl, Gabriella Michelle, cute, right?
This is one of the seven cards I made last week at my Crop… (and yes I’m just now getting around to posting it).
I have to warn you that since I already fell off the blog-a-day posting challenge wagon — I probably will be a little scarce this week in posting. Don’t worry I won’t disappear altogether — at least I hope not — but I have three workshops this week. And that starts my marathon run of 10 events this month! Yahoo… but I’m probably going to be very pooped at the end of each day.
Today I’m being a good little girl and getting a head start (what a concept!) on many of the events… and then hope to take a short little break this afternoon for a trip to Kohl’s — I have a couple of coupons and I desperately need some winter clothes — especially considering they are talking about 30s next week. Ugh… does this really have to happen? lol…
Well I hope you have a Halloween filled with all treats… I plan to get a few of my own “treats” this afternoon in the form of clothing. Have a great day!
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