Happy belated Mother’s Day and the winner is…..

May 13, 2009 | Uncategorized

Can I just say that this whole work thing gets in the way of my crafting, my social calendar and — my blogging! Anyway, Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the Moms! I spent a fabulous day at my sister’s house with her family, my bro’s family and — of course — my Mom! Per her request I made her a paper tree like the one my fabulous ladies of stamp club #2 gave me (don’t worry stamp club #1 – I love you just as much!) for Christmas. When I showed my Mom she wanted to steal it… I had to barter with her until she said that if I made her one I could keep mine. Geesh!

So I was afraid if I didn’t make her one soon, she may kidnap mine on her next visit, so Voila:

As you can see, she was so excited! I know, I know that’s not Stampin’ Up paper (Gasp!) — but she was very particular and wanted black and white for her porch and SU doesn’t have any black and white patterned paper.

As a godmother, I got a fabulous red gerber daisy flower from my niece for Mother’s Day (speaking of which I should go water it before I kill it only two days into my ownership!) and overall had a great day.

After the Mom’s went home, us “kids” (and I use that term loosely and you’ll hear why in a minute) went and played softball at the ball park in my sister’s neighborhood. Oh my goodness!!! Can I just tell you I don’t think I’ve hurt like that in years… in fact I don’t think I have run like that in years — in ballet flats, no less (it was an impromptu game)!

All my sore bones on Monday were worth it though as we won 17 to 15 (although if you ask my nephew, we cheated — but he always says that!).

Ok, Ok… I know you can’t stand my babbling any longer. Do you want to know who one the Pink Pirouette patterned paper? Congratulations, Shannon C! I will mail it out to you — unless you expect to be in Hyannis or on the Cape sometime soon in which case I will meet you somewhere. Just e-mail me and let me know what works best for you.
Hope you are all enjoying this fabulous weather! Ta Ta for now….

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