Happy Anniversary….

Oct 7, 2010 | everyday life, Happy Anniversary, Jen Pitta, Nature's Nest, Stampin' Up

Greetings blog friends… Well, I’m four for four so far! I’m very impressed that I’ve kept up with the little blog for four days in a row now! (I know I still have a long way to go, but I really didn’t have high expectations for myself!)
Here’s a quick little card I put together for hubby. We are celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary today. It’s amazing how fast time flies by (especially as you get older… grrr).
Nothing big on the agenda — maybe a dinner out? I’m not even sure… I think we’ll probably do something more “official” this weekend when we both have some time off.
I realized though during my search for a stamp set that was appropriate for a boy that I don’t really have many! I’m thinking I need to invest in the “Unchartered Territory” stamp set that is currently in the 2010-2011 Idea Book and Catalog. That would be very fitting for Matt.
I hope you have a great day and thanks as always for stopping in….
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