I honestly don’t mean to keep going MIA on you! It’s really nothing personal!

I am truly tired of this winter. I know I shouldn’t be complaining as it is a really trivial issue, but it just has been kicking my butt! Between just the cold, gray days and the dumb virus I got over the last week, I just don’t feel like I can catch up and March is a busy, busy month!

So if you are wondering where I went to last week… well I was curled up on the couch with a blankie pretty much permanently for the entire last half of last week. No stamping. No eating. No talking. No sleeping!

I spent the last two rainy days holed up in my stamp room to catch up — and I think I did…. at least for now. But this is going to be a super busy week with Stamp Club and three workshops still to go! (Not that I’m complaining!)

So needless to say not a lot to show you. I will hopefully have some cards to show you from my card class last night when I get them uploaded.

In the meantime, let me show you some close-up shots of some of the scrapbook pages I gave you a peek at a while back.

This is page one of a two page spread:

This is page 1 — I know super simple! But that was kind of what I was going for in this album. There really is no stamping or embellishments at all right now. Although I think I might add some embellishments once I figure out what photos I want to include.

You can’t really tell from this photo, but I love how this page has the perfect spot for journaling… the left hand side of the page is made up of ledger paper… making it very easy to jot a few notes.

The second page is just as simple, but perhaps a little more intriguing….

Again…. super simple. Scrapbooking doesn’t always have to be complicated, you know. I have to remind myself of that sometimes, too.
We often get so wrapped up in the fancy products that we forget it is really about the photos and recalling important memories.
I created eleven 8 X 8 pages with just a handful of coordinating cardstock and the Botanical Gazette DSP from the Occasions Mini Catalog.
I’ll show you some more in the coming days. Right now I’m off for some breakfast. Thanks for stopping by… despite my erratic posting habits lately! 🙂
Have a great day!
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