Goodbye 2013… Hello 2014!

Jan 3, 2014 | 2014, By the Shore Stamping, goals, Happy New Year, highlights, Jen Pitta

Happy New Year! I tried to type up this post before 2013 actually ended, but blogger was just not cooperating! So I had a couple extra days to marinate on 2013 and what I want for 2014. I find it rather interesting that this year I’ve been really hesitant to make any plans/resolutions/goals for the new year. For those of you that have followed this blog, you may know that this is very uncharacteristic of me! I usually love a new year and am all about setting some goals and talking about the prospect of a clean slate.

Interestingly enough, I’m also having a hard time recalling 2013. It’s honestly as if it went by without me realizing it! Strange. Nonetheless, I have come up with a few things that were highlights for 2013 (thanks to being able to review my blog) and I thought I’d share them with you (I personally love to read New Year posts — I find it fascinating to read other people’s highlights and goals… but feel free to skip to another post if this doesn’t interest you.)

Anyway, highlights of 2013:

Leadership Conference is always a highlight of my year — I leave for this year’s conference in less than a week! One of the best parts about this trip each year is that it’s always held in a warmer location than cold Cape Cod in the Winter (we are actually having a blizzard as I type this!). Folks, I’m headed to Houston next week!

I started the Top Five Tuesday posts in 2013. One of my favorites is this one. What can I say, I’m a book nerd. While it won’t necessarily be every Tuesday — I still plan to continue these in 2014.

I totally fell in love with these dress-up products from Stampin’ Up. While the stamp set is no longer available, you can get the framelits here. Let me warn you — these are addictive!

Making the display board at Convention is always fun!

Starting my wedding scrapbook (nearly 7 years after the actual nuptials) was a big step — I haven’t worked on them again since, but there’s always 2014! 🙂

Stitch Fix has been such a fun addition (or perhaps I should say addiction) to my life — who doesn’t love a little happy mail? (You can see fix #2 here, another one here, and I still have more to share with you….)

I submitted my entry for the annual Stampin’ Up Artisan Award last spring and while I didn’t win, I’m proud of myself for making the effort (You have to submit 5 cards, two 3-D items and three scrapbook pages). And I have to say this was my favorite submission.

Of course, remembering my Mom this Christmas with these special gifts was also an important part of me growing into the “new Jen” post-loss. I really love how these came out.

And while I’m not completely committed to 2014 yet, I do have some big ideas that are still percolating for the new year. I’ll have to get back to you on details since – as I mentioned I’m having a hard time being definitive about 2014! Weird.

Wishing you the best for the New Year… feel free to share your favorite highlight of 2013 or your #1 goal for 2014 — maybe it will help me figure out mine! 🙂

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