Happy Halloween… early!

Oct 23, 2009 | Uncategorized

Good Morning! I’m up early today and I went to bed really late last night! I’m not sure why I can’t sleep — but I’m really glad it’s Friday.

I was playing around with a new Halloween Stamp Set I got last night. I still can’t decide if I like this card or not.

I think I will try some more tonight… although I really should be working on Holiday cards instead of Halloween… but you know how it is when you get new toys!

I used to love Halloween when I was a kid but since I’ve never had trick-or-treaters at any of my apartments/houses and I don’t have any kids to doll up in cute costumes… it’s really not all that exciting for me anymore!

A few years ago (I think about 4 or 5) Matt and I celebrated at a party at a bar in Eastham… I think it was called Jimmy’s. We came in third place and won some sports tickets that we never used… but we had fun anyway!

Ha! This still cracks me up…. My hat looks like I stole it from the McDonald’s Hamburgular — remember him?

Hope you have a great day!

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