For the little ones…

Oct 15, 2010 | Every Little Bit, Jen Pitta, Stampin' Up demonstrator

You almost caught me today! I was coming upstairs to shut down the computer and call it a night (and it’s only 9 p.m!) when I remembered that I hadn’t posted today.
But, not to worry — here I am. It will be a quick post though as I am exhausted and am going to hit the hay as they say…
I have one friend that just had a baby girl and another that is going to have a baby girl in just a few weeks — so here is a new baby card that I plan to send along to one of them (with a little gree, too). This card was a bit of a challenge as I don’t currently have any baby stamp sets. So I used the adorable little bear from the new stamp set called Every Little Bit and although it took me a while to figure out how to make this tiny little image th focus of a rather large card (at least it seems large when you are only working with a 1″ stamp!)… I like how it came out.
Well, that’s about all I’ve got left today — I don’t really know why I’m so tired (I went to bed at 9:15 yesterday, too!)… but I’m going to go and try and catch up. I wish it were already raining (we’re supposed to be getting a Nor’Easter tonight) as I love to curl up in bed with the rain pounding on the windows… oh well, I’ll probably be fast asleep by the time that happens — or better yet I’ll be driving to work in it (can you hear my sarcasm?) lol…
Til tomorrow….
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