Five Most Photographic Summer Moments

Jul 12, 2022 | Uncategorized


It’s no secret that the summer is my favorite holiday. I love me some beach & sunshine time. And as a scrapbooker, summer is the best time for happy family memories (at least for this sunshine-loving girl).

So I’ve compiled a list of the five most photographic summer moments… let’s get to them, shall we?

  1. ICE CREAM! Did you know that Sunday, July 17th is National Ice Cream Day? Perfect reason to grab some Dairy Queen (or your favorite ice cream) and then document the moment. Like this little furry cutie patootie… Shelby loves ice cream and knows that little mini cup is all for her! Now to keep her from drooling on all the ice cream!

2. BEACH DAY! While I don’t actually love swimming (and usually never go in the water), I do love to go to the beach. And there is so much to document there! Did you find some fun seashells? Envious of a neighbors beach “camp”? A pup’s (or child’s) first swim? Or maybe it’s your first “dip” of the season. Whatever the reason, pull out that camera snap a pic. Bonus points if you write some fun reminders of the day down on your bookmark (that’s probably the only paper you have with you!)

3. S’MORES! Is there anything more summer than sitting around a fire pit in the cool evening air roasting yourself up some marshmallow-ey goodness? Nope. I didn’t think so. Do you have any traditions around when you make S’mores? What has been your worst S’mores mishap? Your favorite way to make a S’more?

4. SUNSET/SUNRISE! Depending on whether your a night owl or an early bird – catch a sunrise or sunset this summer and do a photo series. I love doing a double page spread that shows the sun setting or rising — it’s almost as good as being there IRL (in real life!).

5. SUMMER READING LIST! My reading comprehension is awful lately! And I love a good stack of books photo. Gather all the books you read this summer (or maybe just your favorites if you read a lot this year), stack them up and snap a picture. Then give us your thoughts on them. What did you love? What could have been better? Would you recommend? Would you read it again.

These “slice of life” kinds of layouts are my absolute favorite to go back and revisit every so often. It’s amazing how much life changes in a few short years, but we don’t notice until we look back.

Want some more tips for documenting this summer? Make sure you visit my most recent You Tube video where I share how to put together an “On the Go”  documentation kit.

I’d love to know, how many of these moments have you documented this summer? Which ones are on your list to take before September?

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