Happy Saturday! While I wasn’t able to charge my camera battery in order to get my photos off my camera, I was able to outsmart it!

Without going into details – I now have all my photos and I’m working on several posts to update you on all my happenings over the past few weeks.

This photo is obviously from the 2012 Stampin’ Up Convention… I was standing in front of the picture wall where the SU president and co-founder, Shelli Gardner, usually sits for meet and greets. While we didn’t get to chat with her on this occasion it did make a great place to pose in front of the theme of this year’s convention, which was “I am.”

That was one of the directive’s that Shelli gave us right at the start of convention in the opening general session…. but yet, I still haven’t come up with my “I am” statement yet. Obviously, there are many things “I am” (a stamper, a wife, a sister, a daughter etc..), but I wanted to come up with a more abstract, meaningful statement – and alas that still eludes me! 🙂

Check out this lip dub video that Stampin’ Up made…. It’s a really catch theme song this year and it is based on the “I am” theme.

I was actually really excited when I learned that Stampin’ Up did a lip dub. Matt introduced me to lip dubs a while back so I thought it was cool that Stampin’ Up had one (It’s usually colleges and schools that make them). They did a great job, too! In fact, the last part of it was taped live on stage at convention!! That must have been so hard. They begin the opening general session by showing the start of the video and then it just ended and the song continued live on stage with dancers and the singer, Jessie Funk, performing the end of the song live.

Cool, right? It’s awfully catchy, too! I just listened to it again and I’ve got that song stuck in my head again! There is so much to see in the video, too…. Check out about 1:34 into the video — Shelli Gardener pops up as an added surprise. 🙂 Also there is a girl in this video with the most gorgeous red, bouncy, curly hair! It looks so healthy… lol. What a silly thing to notice, huh?

If you’d like to read a bit more about convention (from a non-biased person… lol!), check out this blog post on Scrapbook Update.

Here’s a picture of me and my roomie, Rose Ward, from New York and a couple more of the inspiration boards and such:

I’ll be back soon with some photos of my swaps from convention. If you are a demonstrator and visiting my blog for the first time … first welcome and thank you for swapping with me! I promise to post my convention swaps and the supply lists soon… so come back!! 🙂

In the meantime, enjoy your weekend!

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