Fall for Holiday Countdown #6: Scrapping as Therapy

Sep 6, 2017 | Fall for Holiday Countdown, Grief, Mom, Painted Autumn Designer Series Paper, scrapbooking, Stampin' Up Holiday Catalog 2017

Can you believe we are already half way through our 12 days of Fall for Holiday Countdown? Time really does fly when you’re having fun (and you can be super productive when you’ve promised a new project every day! lol)

If you’ve just stopped in today for the first time, I am counting down some fun, fall projects featuring new product from the Stampin’ Up holiday catalog that was released on September 1. You can view the products online HERE or download a PDF copy of the catalog to look at HERE. If you decide you “need” any products from the holiday catalog, please be sure to use the hostess code WK7DFWJ7 and I’ll select one winner at the end of the countdown to one of each of the projects I make over the 12 days (but you must use the code).
Today’s project is a bit personal. To be honest, I was in a bit of a funk the past few days. I couldn’t get myself off the couch. I was turning down offers to go hang out with friends, and I was just not interested in life in general. I was doing just the minimum each day to get by. And I couldn’t figure out why. And then as I was getting ready for my day yesterday, the date popped into my head. It was September 5th… meaning tomorrow (which is now today!) would be September 6. That is my beautiful Mom’s birthday. She died five years, three months and one day ago today. Not that I’m counting or anything. 
It was then that I decided I needed to make a scrapbook page, not only recognize what would have been her 72nd birthday, but to also release this negative energy that had welled up in my heart (and mind) as her birthday approached. As much as I’d like to curl up in a hole sometimes when I think about how lost I am without her, I know that is not what she’d want me to do. So I channeled all the energy I could muster into this page. 
And you know what? When I finished, I felt better. I felt lighter. Does it erase all the pain and tears that I’ve cried (and will continue to cry) after losing my Mom. Nope. But it made today a bit easier. So I’ll take it.
Here’s some tips for scrapbooking through pain — or any real strong emotion (it could be happy, too!)
1. Start with the words. What is in your heart that is strangling it, making it hard to breathe? Or maybe you’re in a super exciting place — what is making your heart float? Write it down. And write it down first before you start scrapping! 
2. Find a photo to use that compliments your words. And maybe it’s something you need to create. Maybe a picture of beach would work. Or maybe a butterfly or cardinal. Maybe the light shining in through the window – or maybe it’s your subject’s favorite restaurant. Just find something to illustrate your “story.”
3. Select papers and cardstock that matches your photo. Write your journaling on cardstock that matches your selections and then use the journaling as a design element on your page. 
4. Focus on your project. Be in the moment. The act of creating is powerful. It will deeply engross you in whatever topic you are working on, and I have found when it’s something challenging such as grief, when I’m done it’s almost like I’ve poured all the thoughts and energy surrounding what is bothering me right into the page, and then I feel better.
I hope it works for you, too! Anyway, I did create a video for you again today. I talk a little bit more about my process and give you some insight into the design choices I made while creating this page:
That’s it for today… thanks again for following along on this holiday countdown. And thanks for being a listening ear on what can be a tough day for me. You’re the best!
“See” you tomorrow!
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