Creative lapse

Apr 6, 2009 | Uncategorized

Do you ever go through phases where you just can’t bring your creativity out of hiding? I’m going through an inspiration rut. No matter how many times I sit down to create something I just end up sitting there and staring at blank paper. I know it’s most likely because I’m putting too much pressure on myself, but I just can’t help it. I’m a perfectionist. And I’m also a procrastinator, which doesn’t always help either.

I’ve been working on the same scrapbook page for about a month now and I’m still not any closer to finishing it. I think it’s time to just put it in a bag and set it aside for now…. start something new.

Cards haven’t been any easier for me these days. I’ve reincarnated a design I did for club a couple months ago twice now to use as a card swap. The second two versions are essentially the same except for a change of paper and embellishment… I just haven’t had it in me to come up with something new. Frustrating!

Here’s hoping my creativity will make a comeback soon! Until then, here is the card swap (second reincarnation):

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