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Aug 5, 2009 | Uncategorized

Hi friends! Sorry I have not been around the blog these days… Matt and I went on a 7 DAY vactation to Las Vegas and just returned home on Tuesday. We had loads of fun and didn’t lose too much money ;o)

Matt did better than me this time around… pretty much anything I gave my money to kept it! Bummer. No retiring early for me (wink, wink).

What is so great about Las Vegas is there are so many other things to do besides just gambling… one of my favorite is eating!

This is Chicken Rio from Battista’s Hole in the Wall Italian Restaurant (one of our favorite places to go). It looks a little less than appealing here (because I had already eaten half of it before I remembered I wanted to take a photo) but trust me it is DELICIOUS!

Matt is not so happy at my making him pose with his fried bologna sandwich from Toby Keith’s Restaurant… another favorite stop of ours. I know, fried bologna? But yes, it is yummy and goes best with a Chambord Margarita served in a mason jar!! One of those and I’m set for the night (It’s seriously huge)!

We had many other food excursions including a buffet to die for at the Rio hotel and yumminess at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville but eating was not all we did (although looking back now… I’m not so sure!)

We actually went for a little road trip this time to the Lake Mead National Park… Their “beaches” are certainly not what we are spoiled with here… but still beautiful:

Where’s the sand??? It’s the desert, silly… no real “sand” to be found… it’s actually really rocky and the brochure advises everyone to wear protective foot gear while in the water. We didn’t actually go swimming, but we did stick our feet in Lake Mead just to say we did.

We also had lunch here (Did I mention we like to eat in Vegas?):

The restaurant was right on this dock so we had fabulous views of the Hemenway Harbor Marina.

We witnessed a new phenomenon for us as well…. Fish that beg! I’ve never seen such a thing in my life, but these fish were without a doubt, begging… check it out:

And look at them all! It was crazy… throw a handful of popcorn in the water and they went nuts (I felt a little bad about feeding these poor guys popcorn… that can’t be good for them… but they certainly seemed to enjoy it! They literally followed you along the dock with their mouths popping open every now and again!)

Well, I guess I’ve bored you enough with my vacation photos (anyone up for a slideshow? lol!)… needless to say we had a lot of fun… now it’s back to reality :o(

I’ll leave you with one final shot of the strip from the top of the (replica) Eifel Tower at the Paris Hotel:

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