And the winners are….

Jul 22, 2009 | Uncategorized

Sorry to be so late in posting this today! Tuesday is my busy day at work with deadline tomorrow and the Selectmen’s meeting to cover tonight (for those of you who don’t know, my day job is as a news reporter for a weekly paper on Cape Cod).

Anyway, without any further ado… I pulled names from my very sophistacted photo box for the two prizes mentioned here and the winners are…

In case you can’t read that: Prize #1 goes to Laura Gray-Shultz and Prize #2 goes to ddmhunt. Congratulations ladies! And thank you to all of you for becoming my followers! I hope you will continue to “stalk” my blog … hee, hee!

For my two winners, to claim your prize please e-mail me and confirm your mailing address with me and I will get the prizes out pronto! Thanks for playing! (Note: You will have until Monday July, 27 to claim the prize before I draw new names)

Be sure to check in tomorrow when I will post the first two winners in the card challenges I offer to my stamp club members….

’til then… TTFN!

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