Amazing…. four scrapbooking pages in one weekend!

Mar 13, 2009 | Uncategorized

Boy, it’s been forever since I’ve posted! It’s been a little crazy in my neck of the woods, but it’s been a good busy… well except for the falling down the stairs and dropping an 80 lb bag on my leg and being sick all weekend!! But enough about that!
I actually went to the Crazy for Croppin’ retreat last weekend and managed to get four scrapbook pages done in between selling some stuff and teaching a class. I love having dedicated time to just sit and scrapbook and not be distracted by the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the closet or that crazy thing called the computer!
I’m hoping to work off my mementum and make a few more pages in the next few days…. but I’m sure life will go back to being busy! Until then, here’s some pictures of the pages I did….

The journaling:

The journaling:

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