A Quick Convention Re-Cap… with Some Exciting News!

Aug 10, 2015 | about me, Founder's Circle 2015, Stampin' Up

Hey there friends!
Happy Sunday… I am really sorry I still haven’t gotten the hang of being here regularly. I swear I’m really working on it — well, at least thinking about it a lot. That’s the first step to making something happen, right?

Anyway, here I am and I have some super exciting news to share… Many of you know I go to the Stampin’ Up convention each year in Salt Lake City, Utah. And this year was no different. And oh my goodness I saw the new holiday catalog and you’re going to go crazy over it — at least I did (and so many of my other demo friends did, too)! But we’ll have more on that later!

Today I wanted to share that I earned a spot in the prestigious Founder’s Circle (the top 100 demonstrators in the U.S. & Canada)! How cool is that? Seriously… top 100? Me? I was super shocked, but so, so excited because this is the last time they are recognizing top performing demonstrator’s with the Founder’s Circle trip (yup, in addition to earning the Mediterranean Cruise I’m also earning a second all expense paid trip to Utah to hob-nob with the other top 99 demonstrators in the country). This is something that has been on my Stampin’ Up bucket list for the past 9 years and I couldn’t be more excited to be going on this trip (is it September yet?). Here is a picture of me from awards night:

I think I was still in shock in this picture. I knew I had a really good year this past year so I thought *maybe* I could have earned Founder’s Circle, but really wasn’t sure. The Founder’s Circle achievers are always announced last at Awards night and they are not announced in alphabetical order OR in order of rank so it’s completely random. So they just start calling of names and after the 15th slide or so of names (they have 5 or so names on a slide on the jumbo-tron) I had pretty much counted myself out. But lo and behold, the very. last. name. to be announced was lil’ ole’ me. Stunned. And so, so cool. So I must say thank you to each and every one of you that have supported me not just this past year, but ALL the years. I am so, so thankful that I decided to “give this a go.” I may have dreamed of going on the grand vacation and to Founder’s Circle, but honestly never thought it would really happen and thanks to all of you and my fabulous Shore Stamper team it has!! I still can’t wipe the smile off my face when I think about it. One more photo for you. Here is the photo of the top 100 (i.e. the Founder’s Circle achievers). See if you can spot me:

Okay. So that’s enough babbling about me. I have lots and lots of “stampy” things that I’ve been up to lately and I really need to share with you more! So I’ll be back tomorrow with some cute pet themed projects that I made for the MSPCA craft fair I went to yesterday. Stay tuned. And again, thank you so, so much for all your love and support. Stampin’ Up and all the people it has brought into my life has been such a blessing!

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