
Jan 27, 2010 | Uncategorized

Hello there! Well I actually had a few minutes last night to “play” and came up with this!

I’ve wanted to do a monochromatic-type card for quite some time, but just hadn’t gotten around to it. Now I obviously didn’t stick strictly to my monochromatic theme with that pretty pink flower, but I’m still happy with the outcome.

The project actually started because I wanted to try making these paper flowers that were evidentally shown at the Phoenix Regional earlier this month. Now I unfortunately did stay long enough to attend that event (it was the day after Leadership), but there are videos and tutorials about how to do it all over the internet.

My first attempt is a little sloppy, but I’ll just have to practice some more — which means I’ll have to “play” some more right?

I think it is important to remember to take time to “play” every once in awhile. Now whether your idea of “playing” is stamping (like me :o) or something else, I think we tend to get so wrapped up in to-do lists and responding to the wants of others that we forget to take care of ourselves every once in a while! So go ahead go play… you can tell everyone I made you do it! Lol!

Thanks for stopping by!

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