Happy 2018! Each year for the past three years I’ve picked a word at the start of the new year to hopefully guide me during the next 365 days. I’ve never actually written about my word here on the old blog – because it’s sadly been a bit neglected – but I’d thought I’d share this year.

Let’s look back first… I actually remember my words from the previous years, and while I might not remember exactly why I picked them or how they showed up in my life — I can still share them with you to give you ideas in case you decide to try this for yourself.
2014 – GROW
In 2014 I was really working towards building my Stampin’ Up business to full-time status so I’m sure that is largely why I selected this word. I try and pick a word that reflects both my business and my personal life, though, so I imagine I was trying to grow in some way personally, too — and I’m sure it wasn’t in the waist! Ha!
2015 – SHINE
For 2015, I was looking to really shine — I wanted to better my best in everything I did, and while I don’t really remember how that transpired in my personal life, I know it came through in a significant way in my Stampin’ Up business. I earned Founder’s Circle that year (which is the top 100 demonstrators) and got an all-expense paid trip to St. George, Utah for a networking and pampering weekend. It was the first time I earned it, and unfortunately the last time. But only because they don’t offer that perk anymore. (I actually placed #109 last year GLOBALLY, which was not taken into consideration back in 2015… so with 50,000+ demonstrators worldwide I’m pretty happy with that! In the United States last year I was #60 — so I think I’m headed upward!)
2016 – FREE
This was the year I was determined to make Stampin’ Up my full-time business… and I did. I left my job at the Symphony on September 29th, 2016. It was so exciting… and quite scary! But here I am a little over a year later still loving it!
2017 – ??
Honestly, I don’t think I picked a word for last year… and I just realized it as I was typing. I know 2016 was “free” because it was the year I left my job. So looks like I was slacking last year! Oops!
That brings us to 2018 – and my word for this year is BUILD. This is how I want this word to show up in my life this year… I want to build upon my first successful year as a full-time business owner. I want to build my connections, build my offerings and build more success. Personally, I hope to build a better body with better nutrition and regular exercise. I also want to build the life I want, meaning I want to be intentional about how I spend my time — building in more time with friends and family, building more memorable moments and building more routine (the downfall of working for yourself is having no one expecting anything from you!). Of course, the strange thing about selecting a word for the year — it’s always so surprising to see how it shows up in your life outside of what you were initially thinking when you first selected it. So we’ll have to wait and see what else I “build” this year!
So how about you? Do you select a word each year? If so, I’d love to know what it is — feel free to share in the comments. A little accountability never hurt anyone! 
Tomorrow starts Sale-A-Bration and the new Occasions Catalog… This is my favorite time of the year (another reason why I love a new year!). Want a copy of the catalogs? Email me at jen pitta (at) comcast (dot) net and I’ll pop one or both in the mail for you! And start making your wish list… remember you can earn a free exclusive product for every $50 you spend!
Happy New Year, indeed! 🙂
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