My First “Fix”

Sep 3, 2013 | Stitch Fix Review

So I’m going to venture away from crafts a bit today… I had been seeing lots of “Stitch Fix” reviews in recent months and was so intrigued by all the reviews that I signed up!

If you’re not familiar with Stitch Fix – it’s a monthly (or anytime you want, really) subscription where you pay $20 for a stylist to pick out four pieces of clothing and one accessory for you and deliver them right to your door! How cool is that? What’s even better is if you decide to keep anything in your box, the $20 stylist fee goes towards your purchase and if you buy everything in your box you get 25% off everything.

I can’t tell you how excited I was when I received my first box. I mean seriously giddy…. like run off and hide it like a dog with a special bone! Well, except that I could wait to open it and see what was inside!

So…. here I will show you what I got in my first Stitch Fix box.

First let me apologize for the poor photo quality (I was using my Smart phone to take the photos) and for the toilet in the background! Gah. What can I say the only full length mirror in my house is in my bathroom!

Anyway, onto my first item. (I don’t have the official brands and names of these items as I’ve already sent this stuff back — my first “fix” was a month and a half ago!). I really liked this shirt a lot. The pattern was fun and flattering. Unfortunately, it was too tight in my upper arms so… it went back.

Next up was this brown and black dress. I wasn’t a huge fan of the brown and black color combo. I just felt it was sort of drab. However, looking at it now I see it was rather flattering. But alas, I sent it back.

Next up was this fuschia top. I loved the color (something I so wouldn’t have picked up myself), but it was a little big and box-y. So I just wasn’t feeling fabulous in it. So I sent it back.

Here is the last article of clothing they sent me. This adorable “crisp cantalope” chevron printed top and beige cami is super fun. I thought it was flattering on me and loved that the color matched the new Stampin’ Up color! (Ha! added bonus). I ended up keeping this one. While it is a little more than what I would normally spend on a shirt ($58)… I like that Stitch Fix is breaking me out of my style staples and making me try different things (I’ve actually had a second box since this one — I’ll post that review in a week or so). And it’s so awesome to try things on in your own house with your own accessories, shoes and pieces.

Not to mention how insanely happy it makes me to see the Stitch Fix box on my doorstep. And then when you open the box and see all the pretty colors and patterns! Maybe it’s the stamper in me, but it just makes me so excited! Weird, I know!

Ok… last item was my necklace. And can I just say that I saw this piece in someone else’s review before I signed up and L.O.V.E.D it! I was so excited to see it in my box and kept it without even needing to try it on! It was just $28 and it’s a great length. It falls perfectly and adds a little something special to classic shirts. Without further ado here it is:

Isn’t it cute? I know… these pictures are horrible. I used my regular camera for my second box so hopefully they’ll be a bit better. Although for my next one (which is coming in just 10 days! Did I mention you can schedule the day you want your fix to arrive?) I might have to enlist a friend to take photos!

If you’d like to try Stitch Fix, too, I’d love it if you used my referral code so I can get a $25 credit. (Who doesn’t love free clothes, right?) It’s so much fun and it really is some of the happiest mail I get! It’s just so different and the clothes so far have been great quality and beautiful colors and patterns.

If you do sign up and you do reviews of your items, please send me the link! I love to read Stitch Fix reviews — it’s almost as fun as getting your own box of goodies — well, not quite, but still a lot of fun!

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